An organisation is a collaboration system

Aligning every layer, with purpose and adaptability

An organisation
is a collaboration system

A network is subtly shaped by underlying values that drive structures, decisions, and communication. Too often, these values go unexamined, leading to issues in culture, collaboration, and structure. Are we addressing the real problems?

AMMERSE isnā€™t just a toolbox; it is crafted to address core collaborative challenges. Guiding organisations through agile transitions or system optimisations, AMMERSE enables seamless, value-driven collaboration.

AMMERSE Training

Purchase your seat, and you can then select your training days on the calendar. We will send you a link on checkout.

ā€Thank you, Jonathan!
Through this, I was able to realize many new things.

Iā€™ll definitely use these insights to reevaluate my life and business.
This feels like the start of an exciting new journey!ā€

– Nilan Meegoda, SoftSora


Value alignment is the driving force behind every successful venture. They shape decisions, influence behaviours, and, ultimately, determine the trajectory. Our mission is to provide a set of values that businesses can adopt to foster a culture of synergy, growth, and success.

Learn about AMMERSE on our YouTube Channel. 

The seven values

  • Agile (A) – Encouraging adaptability and quick response to change.
  • Minimal (Mi) – Advocating for simplicity and efficiency in all operations.
  • Maintainable (M) – Prioritizing solutions that are easy to sustain and improve.
  • Environmental (E) – Promoting awareness and consideration of the context (environmental).
  • Reachable (R) – Setting achievable goals within time and budget constraints.
  • Solvable (S) – Focusing on effective problem-solving strategies.
  • Extensible (Ex) – Designing for the future with adaptable and scalable solutions.


Adopting the AMMERSE Values provide your business with a common language to communicate and reason about everything. This approach allows you to:

  • Create alignment for decision-makers.
  • Understand trade-offs and synergies within your organisation.
  • Create a strategy, vision, and measurable targets.
  • Foster a culture that aligns individual and organisational values.
  • Drive purposeful behaviour and decision-making.
  • Reduce processology, dependence on cultish methods and snake oil roles.
  • Aids autonomous teams to align with strategy

Certificate Series

We listened and adapted.

We now provide Training to guide you and your teams to improving everything.

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 3.1

Training exclusively by


The AMMERSE Method is a Scrum replacement and what Agile was always supposed to be.


Level 1

7 Principles: Agile, Minimal, Maintainable, Environmental, Reachable, Solvable, Extensible.

Level 2

The AMMERSE Set has weights assigned to 7 Principles. eg. “Enterprise Strategy”.

Level 3

AMMERSE Sets in a grouping that work together for a purpose. eg. Modes.

Level 3.1

You can extend AMMERSE by creating your own Sets and Frameworks.

Our goal is to enable business strategy, implementation and the reaching of objectives by giving you the tools to design your own methods.Ā 

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