AMMERSE Explained in 1min

AMMERSE is a menomic that lists the seven values, Agile [A], Minimal [Mi], Maintainable [M], Environmental [E], Reachable [R], Solvable [S] and Extensible [Ex].


  • AMMERSE Value System
  • AMMERSE Language
  • AMMERSE Methodology

AMMERSE is a value system

It is a value system, because it looks at "systems" and "values" as constraints, attributes, forces and their interrelations and synergies along with feedback loops. Although it draws from science, it is not science. It does not claim to be a part of complexity science or behavioural science, except for the fact that it acts in accordance with, where possible. The main problem is that values are not concrete in science, whereas behaviours are. However, the theory behind AMMERSE, is that values are a huge part, even if not fully understood. In this respect, AMMERSE is descriptive, as it describes the system, not prescribing your actions.

Example: The business only ever cares about budget, timelines, estimates, cost, which all fall under one value Reachable. We know they must be solving problems, so where is Solvable? No wonder they have Maintainability issues. Let's balance the system and bring some Maintainability into the system. When we become Agile, it has a negative feedback loop with Minimal.

AMMERSE is a language.

As a language, it is an abstraction for communication and reasoning about business, products, features and just about anything. The seven values pertain to the seven aspects involved in human endeavour, whether making a decision and analysing the variables, building a strategy, deciding which design pattern to use and so on. AMMERSE Language is used for describing both the current state and how you wish to move to a different state and what thay state would look like.

Example: Reach to Solve or Solve to Reach? How are our values different to our competitors?

AMMERSE is also a Methodology.

AMMERSE has heuristics, principles and a way of thinking that can be interepreted as a method. It is a lightweight prescription, where it advises:

Example: Lets concentrate on a few values to get started and then move to this value, then to that value.

  • probing the system for values
  • tweaking the system where desired

It is a starting point, rather than anything to be followed in it's exact form. as you probe and tweak, you would probe and tweak anything you need to.


The AMMERSE Method is a Scrum replacement and what Agile was always supposed to be.


Level 1

7 Principles: Agile, Minimal, Maintainable, Environmental, Reachable, Solvable, Extensible.

Level 2

The AMMERSE Set has weights assigned to 7 Principles. eg. “Enterprise Strategy”.

Level 3

AMMERSE Sets in a grouping that work together for a purpose. eg. Modes.

Level 3.1

You can extend AMMERSE by creating your own Sets and Frameworks.

Our goal is to enable business strategy, implementation and the reaching of objectives by giving you the tools to design your own methods. 

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